Dwona Skills Hub

Dwona Initiative Skills Hub
Dwona Skills Hub
The Dwona skills hub is a community based and owned program that aims at equipping youth
specifically young rural girls who have experienced early pregnancies, dropped out of school and are survivors of violence with practical entrepreneurial skills in an effort to keep them in school, open up opportunities for employment and further education.
The program aims to skill young girls and women between the ages of 15 – 29 from impoverished
communities with a high prevalence of out-of-school female youth. The skills hub is a safe place where these youth seek refuge in learning 21st century practical skills that set them on a journey of economic empowerment and prosperity. With the ultimate goals of routing back these youth into school and giving them skills that earn them a living, the skills hub program is conducted at host rural public schools which serve beneficiaries from 3 – 4 neighboring communities.

The young girls and women undertake hands on courses for a duration of 3 – 6 months depending on the skills set they would like to acquire. There are 10 courses, and these include masonry (Building structures out of plastic bottles), electrical and solar installation and repair, plumbing and fitting, carpentry and joinery, welding and metal work, car repair, tailoring, soap making, arts and crafts and candle making. The skill hub provides an opportunity to brand and look for market for their products to take away the burden from the young females especially those in school so that they never miss class because of looking for livelihood. The skill hub runs Village Saving and Loans Association groups attached to a local bank where these young females save 20% off their earnings towards their own and their children’s education. Buy from the Suubi Hope Shop to support a rural girl or child mother under this program.
Program Focus
Equip young females in selected districts with practical entrepreneurial skills and best financial management practices within a period of 6 months
Provide young mothers and school drop-out with financial incentives to stay in school and have 80% of them routed back to formal education.
Reduction the educational inequality gap between girls and boys in the selected districts by 20% each year.
Challenge gender stereotypes, social norms and change unconscious bias in relation to gender roles to enable girls to have the same learning and career opportunities as boys by fronting 5 STEM courses with an uptake of 50% in the program.